Friday, March 18, 2011

"BABY COME HOME" (26th in a series of my poetry and prose)

"Baby Come Home"

Sun is shining, a new day has started.
But no day is bright, when you feel broken-hearted.

Sun is shining, plenty of light,
But my days are all dark, as if it were night.

Now that you’ve left me, crying and blue,
Nothing but grey skies have come into my view.

Everything should be cheerful and gay,
But I can’t be happy when you’re so far away.

Losing my hope and faith in myself,
Putting my heart back up on a shelf,
Can’t seem to shake it, this feeling of doubt.
How can I go on when my love light’s gone out?

I pray every morning you’ll come home today.
Don’t you know that I need you in my life to stay?
Everything I am and do is a reflection from before...
A shadow dangles over me
‘til you’re in my arms once more.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"SAME OLD SONG" (25th is my series of poems)

"Same Old Song"

Tomorrow is today in the darkness of the night.
Yesterday’s the day before,
But something’s just not right.

We’ve spent the whole night crying;
It can’t go on like this.
Where did we get off the track
When we started with a kiss?

One word led to another,
Then you turned on the light.
We spent the whole night sighing...
We didn’t mean to fight.

Come on now, let’s close our eyes,
We’ll work it out tomorrow.
Come on now, our love will keep.
And the dawn will fade our sorrow.

Dry those tears, no need to weep.
We’re on the straight and narrow.
There’s no problem we can’t solve...
We’re shot with Cupid’s arrow!

Let’s make love and hold on close...
Let’s just kiss and say goodnight.
Our special love is stronger than most.
I’ll see you in the morning light...goodnight.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"LETTER HOME" (24th in my series of poems)

"Letter Home"

Everything here remains the same.
Except, the sun eternally shines.
Palm trees still sway in the breeze,
Reigning forever over lights and seas.

The planets are magnificent
From the highest hilltops.
And the stars sparkle plenty
From the warm tile rooftops.

Jupiter and Saturn aligned last week...
And the full moon had a lunar shadow.
Two weeks ago, eclipse of the sun...
I think it was July sixteenth or so.

The ocean is endless and undulating...
Blue then white, blue then white.
Best beach time is when it’s forsaken...
Almost always late at the night.

The mountains pop up amid beaches and valleys.
Too far to walk, you hike or drive it.
There’s a cozy place by a tall pine tree...
Made for a quilt and grapes and tapes and we.

That’s how it is here still...
Of course, I dearly miss you
But I don’t often get lonely or bored, 
I'm surrounded by the art of Our Lord!

"BECAUSE OF YOU" (23rd in a series of my poems)

"Because of You"

It’s a new day and a new way
Now that You’re in my life.
Paranoia is gone...insecurity too
And it’s all because of You.

You showed me how to have faith...
In You, in God, and in myself.
You touched my hand and taught me pride...
You made me feel it deep inside.

After all, You’re right, you know…
I really do deserve the best.
The best is You, and in the end.
You're my Savior, my Healer, my Friend.

Friday, February 11, 2011

"STRAWBERRY SEEDS FOREVER" (22nd in a series of my poems)

"Strawberry Seeds Forever"

I don’t know how to write it out...
We all know John Lennon’s dead.
A man I don’t know what to say about.

No cutesy names for death...he’s just gone.
I try to understand...must be a secret
That I just can’t begin to know
Except that maybe if we all just
Put our heads together it’ll show.

Seems to me that’s the point.
We must unify to survive.
And if it takes this much to wake us up,
Then we’re dead. Or half-alive.

Races and countries may be out of reach;
Okay, not the whole’s too vast.
But someone has to start it.
You’d be surprised how it would last.

It only takes the one reading this ode
To smile at the next face you see.
Do it in the name of Lennon...
Then his death meant something to me.

"JESUS LOVES ME" (21st in a series of my poems")

"Jesus Loves Me"

There’s a rhyme I want to write
To set the people free...
There only is one answer
To the problems that we see.

There’s a verse I want to say
To make people understand...
That’s love’s the only answer
And the answer’s in our hand.

Come on, sisters!
Come on, brothers!
Let’s raise our voices high.
First love one another
For the mansions in the sky.

Time is passing quickly,
You’ve got to make your peace somehow.
Try to let it flow
Before you take that final bow.

"GREAT DAY!" (20th in a series of my poems)

"Great Day"!

I feel good today!
I feel great!

There was a time not long away
It was such a chore to face each day.

I was down; sad and alone...
Lost out in the Zombie Zone.

One sunny morning, three years later,
Woke up feeling ten pounds lighter.
Heaved a sigh, winked my eye,
And pushed it off!

It used to be chic to be depressed,
(Especially in L.A. out West).
I’m sure you know, fads come and go...
Yes and no; high and low.
Today I feel good!
I feel great!

Don’t accept gloom and anger...
It’s your right to be joyful and divine.
Don’t give that away to strangers,
No more pearls before swine.

"VICTIMS OF SOCIETY" (19th in a series of my poems)

"Victims of Society"

You’re a woman,
A beautiful woman,
And I love you.

For so many years,
I didn’t see you;
Didn’t even know you were there.
I don’t know how I got that way…
Just the DNA, they say.

That makes us all
Victims of society.

But if you let me, I want to be friends.
I want to respect you and get to know you
Just so I can love you, not to control you.

Thanks for waiting, dear lady-in-waiting.
I know it’s been far too long. But now that
We’ve finally written it, together we’ll sing our song!

Friday, February 4, 2011

"WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE? (18th in the series of my poems)

"Where Do I Go From Here?"

When we were together,
I knew exactly what to do
I knew just what I wanted
Was to spend my life with you

But things have changed now.
All that’s done and through.
The only thing that’s stayed the same,
Is this love I have for you.

Now, where do I go from here
I wonder every single day.
What’s the first thing I should do
To chase these blues away?

I hug my pillow all in vain
While I cry myself to sleep.
Yet I see your face before me...
The habit’s gone too deep.

The only pleasure that I get
Is nightly in my dreams...
That’s the time I like the best.
You’re here, or so it seems.

I toss and turn and turn some more,
And as the dawn starts to appear,
The same old question comes to my mind:
Now, just where do I go from here?

"THE COLORS OF LOVE" (17th in the series of my poems)

"The Colors of Love"

It’s sad that when we think of color
We just think of humankind,
For if you look around God’s world,
There are lots of things to find

The clear blue sky, tie-dyed with clouds,
Is the roof above us all.
It doesn’t cover some of us
And others not at all.

The black velvet night caresses us,
It dangles a twist-of-lemon moon.
There’s no hatred in its heart...
The dawn comes much too soon.

The green and purple mountains,
The blue and turquoise sea..
All these things are the colors of love
As the colors of love should be.

It’s bad that when we think of love
We limit it just by color,
For if you look around God’s world,
You’ll see lots of leads to follow.

The black and yellow bumblebee
Shows no favorite shade of flower.
She shares her love equally...
Kissing faces by the hour.

When the morning dew forms,
It has no certain tree, or hue.
It covers every leaf and bud…
Not just a certain few.

So think of love in colors,
Like the rainbow up above...
Each color stands out clear and strong,
But they’re united by their love.

"COUNTING THE DAYS" (16th is the series of my poems)

"Counting the Days"

It’s been a long, long time
Since I looked into your eyes.
Those eyes that show so clearly
The love for me inside.

But soon we’ll be together
The miles are crawling by
And I’m counting the days
‘Til I’m in your arms,

And we lay side by side.
It’s been much too long
Since we touched and felt that thrill...
The thrill that shakes me to my soul.
I guess it always will.

But soon we’ll be as one again
The miles are rolling past,
And I’m counting the nights
‘Til I kiss those lips,
It just can’t come too fast.

I wonder if you feel it too
Are you waiting day by day?
Something you said last time we talked
Said you still feel that way.

And now it’s nearly over,
The miles are almost past.
I’m counting the beats
‘Til I’m in your arms,
And I know I’m home at last!

"ONLY HALF ALIVE SINCE YOU LEFT ME" (15th in the series of my poesm)

"Only Half Alive Since You Left Me"

Since you left me lonely,
There’s no place for me to be.
Life without you by my side
Is a verse without a melody.

Since you left me by myself,
I’ve tried to drink away my troubles.
But all I see in my fancy glass is
Champagne without the bubbles.

Since you left me all alone
I just walk a lot at night.
Here, there, everywhere...
A moonbeam with no place to light.

Since you left me on my own,
It’s a doggone dirty shame.
Although I’ve tried, I can’t go on...
A fire without a flame.

I’m only half alive,
Living like I am...
I’m only half alive
Without you

"LOVE SONG" (14th in a series of my poems)


Love is like a mel-o-dy
Soft and sweet...
Waiting for a voice to come
To bring it to it's feet.

Waiting for a violin
To add that special touch...
To give that certain something
We’ve come to need so much.

Add the horns, guitar and bass;
Not strong enough alone.
But when they join together,
They form a mighty tone.

Love’s like that, it has its parts
More shaky by the hour
But when they’re put together
They become a mighty power.

Love is like a melody
Both sweet and strong...
Just waiting for a voice to come
To burst into a song!