Friday, February 11, 2011

"GREAT DAY!" (20th in a series of my poems)

"Great Day"!

I feel good today!
I feel great!

There was a time not long away
It was such a chore to face each day.

I was down; sad and alone...
Lost out in the Zombie Zone.

One sunny morning, three years later,
Woke up feeling ten pounds lighter.
Heaved a sigh, winked my eye,
And pushed it off!

It used to be chic to be depressed,
(Especially in L.A. out West).
I’m sure you know, fads come and go...
Yes and no; high and low.
Today I feel good!
I feel great!

Don’t accept gloom and anger...
It’s your right to be joyful and divine.
Don’t give that away to strangers,
No more pearls before swine.

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