Thursday, March 17, 2011

"SAME OLD SONG" (25th is my series of poems)

"Same Old Song"

Tomorrow is today in the darkness of the night.
Yesterday’s the day before,
But something’s just not right.

We’ve spent the whole night crying;
It can’t go on like this.
Where did we get off the track
When we started with a kiss?

One word led to another,
Then you turned on the light.
We spent the whole night sighing...
We didn’t mean to fight.

Come on now, let’s close our eyes,
We’ll work it out tomorrow.
Come on now, our love will keep.
And the dawn will fade our sorrow.

Dry those tears, no need to weep.
We’re on the straight and narrow.
There’s no problem we can’t solve...
We’re shot with Cupid’s arrow!

Let’s make love and hold on close...
Let’s just kiss and say goodnight.
Our special love is stronger than most.
I’ll see you in the morning light...goodnight.

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