It’s sad that when we think of color
We just think of humankind,
For if you look around God’s world,
There are lots of things to find
The clear blue sky, tie-dyed with clouds,
Is the roof above us all.
It doesn’t cover some of us
And others not at all.
The black velvet night caresses us,
It dangles a twist-of-lemon moon.
There’s no hatred in its heart...
The dawn comes much too soon.
The green and purple mountains,
The blue and turquoise sea..
All these things are the colors of love
As the colors of love should be.
It’s bad that when we think of love
We limit it just by color,
For if you look around God’s world,
You’ll see lots of leads to follow.
The black and yellow bumblebee
Shows no favorite shade of flower.
She shares her love equally...
Kissing faces by the hour.
When the morning dew forms,
It has no certain tree, or hue.
It covers every leaf and bud…
Not just a certain few.
So think of love in colors,
Like the rainbow up above...
Each color stands out clear and strong,
But they’re united by their love.
This poem is beautiful, and profound.
Thanks so much, Peggy.
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