Thursday, December 9, 2010

"It’s a Weird, Weird World": (9th in my series)

It’s a Weird, Weird World
by Genna Sapia-Ruffin

It’s a weird, weird world we’re living in...
No one’s satisfied
It’s an odd, strange place we call our home...
Enough to blow your mind.

I don’t know about you for sure
But I think I’m pretty close...
Exactly what we don’t have
That’s what we want the most.

When my hair was very short
I didn’t like it then,
So I let it grow out long.
But short hair’s in again.

People moving all the time
From one state to another.
No one’s settled in one spot...
They’re looking for each other

Changing partners all the time
Searching for The One...
If it don’t work out
Never mind, try another one.

When I was there, it wasn’t cool
I wanted to be here
But here I am, and naturally
I liked it better there.

I just didn’t know what I wanted...
That proved to be my loss.
I had love, but wanted freedom
No matter what it cost.

All that glitters is not gold
That turned out to be true
For, now this glitter in my hand
Is nothing next to you.

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