Thursday, December 9, 2010

" Free Ain’t Nothin’ But Lonely" (8th in my series)

Free Ain’t Nothin’ But Lonely
by Genna Sapia-Ruffin

I’m feelin’ so lonely,
not a friend in this world...
Never realized I’d get this bored
I’m feelin’ so empty, alone and blue...
So much frustration. There’s nothin’ to do

I went and stared in the ‘fridge fifteen times today...
Each time I just shook my head and
Turned and walked away.
I turned on the TV and turned it off again

And I walked through my apartment
Until the carpet’s wearin’ thin,
So I tried on all my clothes and then
I put them all away;
Never found much comfort in
The mirror anyway.

I guess you never know just what you’ve got until it’s gone.
I heard it said before...
But now I really see how sad I’ve been
Since you walked out that door.

We fussed and fought and never got along;
We stayed in each other’s way;
So now I’m free and I find out
I’d rather have you stay.

It is so sad, and oh-so-true
I guess I’ll have to face it...
You don’t know just what you’ve got,
Until you’re trying to replace it.

So you go on, with your head so high...
We’ve chosen our own solutions.
Now it’s up to the each of us
To make the most of our own conclusions

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