I don’t know how to write it out...
We all know John Lennon’s dead.
A man I don’t know what to say about.
No cutesy names for death...he’s just gone.
I try to understand...must be a secret
That I just can’t begin to know
Except that maybe if we all just
Put our heads together it’ll show.
Seems to me that’s the point.
We must unify to survive.
And if it takes this much to wake us up,
Then we’re dead. Or half-alive.
Races and countries may be out of reach;
Okay, not the whole world...it’s too vast.
But someone has to start it.
You’d be surprised how it would last.
It only takes the one reading this ode
To smile at the next face you see.
Do it in the name of Lennon...
Then his death meant something to me.