As a fairly new Christian, I never knew there was such a thing as inner healing ministries. I can't tell you how excited I was by the newly-found possibility. Roots? Fruits? The only fruit I knew about was in the produce section of the market. So imagine my surprise to find out that it not only was that which you find stinking up your life, but that the fruit had roots--roots that, once found, could be dug out and eradicated by the very tracing and by prayer. Sounds simple--simple, but not all easy. But I was willing to do the work and take the risk. Besides rotten fruit, what did I have to lose?
The first time I went to Breakthrough to Joy at my church (this is my second), a lifetime of woundings were coaxed one-by-one reluctantly from their dark hiding places and dealt with. They recoiled and shriveled as the Light touched them. Each week a new and wonderful brick was laid to the foundation of my all-important healing. The most shocking thing for me to discover was that I had never (in my whole 4 years of being saved) trusted God. I thought I did; I said I did; I believed I did. About halfway into the classes, we dealt with our images of God--distorted, twisted or otherwise. It came to the light that never having had anyone in my life that could be trusted, lo and behold, I subconsciously perceived God in the same way. In class, I searched my heart for a word to describe aloud my image of God. It eluded me. But just as we were about to close in prayer, He let me know that the adjective I'd been looking for was the one called "untrustworthy". It made sense. The second I knew it, it was gone. The mistrust was gone. It was like a big heavy door slammed down—as in “no more of that”. Now, that's life-changing! I went back over all the many times He was faithful in my life to do what He said He would and all the conversations we'd had. At that moment, I knew I could trust God--not begin to trust Him, but trust Him! Breakthrough to Joy!
I built an altar there!
This second time around, miracles continued: I think it was April the 8th. After praise and worship but before class, I asked Brother Stephen for and received through his healing hands and prayer, instant healing for ulcers. Some of you may have heard me mumbling about burning pain in my side for quite some time. I'd never had ulcers, so didn't know what it was for weeks. Finally, I figured it out and asked for healing. Haven't had a pain there since.
I built an altar there.
As a fairly new Christian, I never knew there was such a thing as inner healing ministries. I can't tell you how excited I was by the newly-found possibility. Roots? Fruits? The only fruit I knew about was in the produce section of the market. So imagine my surprise to find out that it not only was that which you find stinking up your life, but that the fruit had roots--roots that, once found, could be dug out and eradicated by the very tracing and by prayer. Sounds simple--simple, but not all easy. But I was willing to do the work and take the risk. Besides rotten fruit, what did I have to lose?
The first time I went to Breakthrough to Joy at my church (this is my second), a lifetime of woundings were coaxed one-by-one reluctantly from their dark hiding places and dealt with. They recoiled and shriveled as the Light touched them. Each week a new and wonderful brick was laid to the foundation of my all-important healing. The most shocking thing for me to discover was that I had never (in my whole 4 years of being saved) trusted God. I thought I did; I said I did; I believed I did. About halfway into the classes, we dealt with our images of God--distorted, twisted or otherwise. It came to the light that never having had anyone in my life that could be trusted, lo and behold, I subconsciously perceived God in the same way. In class, I searched my heart for a word to describe aloud my image of God. It eluded me. But just as we were about to close in prayer, He let me know that the adjective I'd been looking for was the one called "untrustworthy". It made sense. The second I knew it, it was gone. The mistrust was gone. It was like a big heavy door slammed down—as in “no more of that”. Now, that's life-changing! I went back over all the many times He was faithful in my life to do what He said He would and all the conversations we'd had. At that moment, I knew I could trust God--not begin to trust Him, but trust Him! Breakthrough to Joy!
I built an altar there!
This second time around, miracles continued: I think it was April the 8th. After praise and worship but before class, I asked Brother Stephen for and received through his healing hands and prayer, instant healing for ulcers. Some of you may have heard me mumbling about burning pain in my side for quite some time. I'd never had ulcers, so didn't know what it was for weeks. Finally, I figured it out and asked for healing. Haven't had a pain there since.
I built an altar there.
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