Wednesday, April 21, 2010


May 15, 2008
Dearest Baby Genna:

I know that you probably feel abandoned and think that I've forgotten you by now, but that is far from true. I know it's been way too long since you've heard from me, but I've been away on a very long journey to many distant places--some wonderful, others not so much.

In my travels I met this marvelous, wonderful Physician and Miracle Worker! His name is Holy Trinity and I've been following Him around--learning from Him and getting my soul (and life) healed. In my getting healed--that's where you come in, Baby Genna. I need you. I've come all the way back for you! I've been talking with Holy Trinity and telling Him all about you and all the many wounds and pains you've suffered. Somehow He already knew. But he always listened anyway, and he always cried--week after week; because your pain and heartache is also His pain and heartache. As for me, I've only just learned how bad it was for you. It must have seemed like it would never end. And it must have seemed like you were left alone on an island all this time. I can picture you standing looking at the sea and sky and wondering where I was and why I left you--and when I'd be back! Especially after I promised you years ago that I'd not abandon you like they abandoned me!

When I first met Holy Trinity and talked about you, it made me very, very sad--brought a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes every time. But as time and healing progressed, I got stronger with the help of Holy Trinity, and I began to be able to talk and think about you without crying. I began to be happy for you. Because, Baby Genna, you and I are one and the same! And if I'm healed, you're healed. We will continue together as one from here on. All you have to do is relax and believe me and trust me as I've learned to do with Holy Trinity. He has always proven faithful; He has always proven true. He is my Friend and I trust Him now. So trust me and trust Him. We are all one! He loves you and me and will never hurt us. He told me to come back and get you and bring you here to where we are now. It's a place called Truth.

We are new in Truth and now we even have a new name in Truth! He gave me the new name nine days ago, because I'm a new person! He says my name is Joy. I'm to "BE" Joy! And you're in me as I am in Him, so you are Joy too! Stay here in Truth now, Joy, with Holy Trinity where we belong and are safe and protected and loved! We will praise the Lord!

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