Around the New Year of 2008, I began to have the feeling that God wanted to and was going to change my name that year. The feeling remained and even grew stronger as the months went by. I had no idea what it would be, I just knew it would have meaning and be relative to the life I now have in Him. I had no idea how it would happen--looking back, I guess I kind of thought it would be something that would come to me as I read the Bible. I really didn't spend a lot of time trying to figure that out; I just knew it was going to happen. And, "Yes", I thought. "That does seem appropriate. What with all the healing and all. I was coming out of an old life and old identity to a new life and a new identity in Christ! I was suddenly looking very much forward to finding out who God would have me be--and His reason for the change!
So, at the end of our final Inner Healing class (called “Breakthrough to Joy”) at church (which this time Brother Stephen taught--on walking in the spirit. And on being), we always have the father's and the mother's blessings spoken. I found out that not only me, but a lot of us were probably not spoken blessings over as children--maybe even curses. So the leaders speak those blessings over a grateful bunch of healed and healing children in the form of adults to reverse those curses and to bring those blessings into fruition. Again, I was led to go to Brother Stephen. Some were reading from a page, but he did not. He spoke quite a long blessing over me and I wish I could remember it all verbatim. In fact, I wish I had a recording of it. But there was a point when it seemed to me (and I bet he'd know when that was) that he began to prophecy. He said that I was going into a time of rest and that I'd be able to bring that rest to others. He said that I was going to be like "a sponge for God" and that every time anyone squeezed me, I'd ooze the love and joy of God out all over them. And that God was going to keep refilling and refilling me. He said that I was going to change everyone I came in contact with; everyone I spoke with (this part felt like it was especially [but not only] referring to my job, where I speak to people on the phone all day and have been waiting on God to tell me how to be in the job and to stop worrying about getting out of the job). And then, "Your whole countenance is changed. In fact (as he took me by the shoulders like a Father might), I'm changing your name right now! He continued, fairly shouting, YOUR NAME IS JOY!"
I had my head down with my ear by his mouth so as to not miss one word, so I couldn't really jump--much as I wanted to, I had to force myself not to. I didn't want to bust him in the chin! But I started stomping and stomping my right foot, saying "I knew it, I knew it, I knew He was going to do this this year!" Then there was like an explosion and I've lost track of all that happened there. Then Steve was saying "Now we have to change your name tag!" I was asking "What about a last name? It can't be this" (pointing to the name tag). He said "What was your maiden name"? I pointed again to the hyphenated name; he kind of shrugged and said maybe it's just JOY". I was kind of in a daze, but remember going over to Jennifer, who had been a co-leader, and was excitedly telling her about it. When Steve went by, she said, "Have you met Joy"? "I was there when it happened!" he said. Irene went by and I was going to tell her, but she said she had heard the whole thing! So there were at least two witnesses! I wasn't trippin'! Wow.
I stumbled around the church quite a while and told everyone I saw! Again, the funny looks! I just didn't know what to do next. My old life was outside and I wasn't sure how to approach it as Joy! Finally I got in the car and drove. As I went down Fairground Street mumbling in my head about a last name, the Holy Spirit told me as if to pacify me "Ok, go online to one of the searchable Bible sites when you get home and search "Joy". You'll find something there (I think He said 'to use for now if you must')." I did just that and found a lot of things that wouldn't work, like "Joy in the morning", "Joy in the Lord" etc. Then I saw "joyful heart". That was it! Joy Fulheart. God is a good Father. But wait, it's not over. I believe He is going to change my last name again before the year is over. Fulheart wasn't what He wanted; He just did that for my sake. I didn't want to go without a last name. So in His time, He will reveal the last name He wanted me to have. I'm thinking it may even already belong to someone, and we will just share it! (Wink, wink.) So, I will wait. If no further name changes have been revealed, maybe I'll do the legal name change to Joy Fulheart at the end of the year. And let next year worry about next year!
Three really cool postscripts:
(1) He let me know in advance He was doing this. It was a prophecy fulfilled and was probably necessary to help me know that it's real. (John 14:29 "I've told you this beforehand, so that when it does happen, the confirmation will deepen your belief in me").
(2) The name of the wife after me was "Joy". So, I know that I know that it was not me who chose the name for myself! That would have never crossed my mind in my wildest dreams! LOL.
(3) And I didn't realize this part until I was emailing folks about this later that night—but it was a Breakthrough to JOY!! That's me!
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