Genesis 2:18 ...It is not good for the man to be alone...I believe we have overlooked and underestimated the awesome power that is hidden in our families. When God created us He placed us in a family. There is something about a family atmosphere that generates the power for us to subdue the earth and bring His Kingdom into the affairs of this world. I believe satan feared the seed of the woman—for it would have the power to destroy him. He well knew that even our children would contend with him in the gate (see Psalm 127:5). I believe this is why the Lord's desire has always been to "set the solitary (the lonely, widows, orphans and the fatherless) in families" (Psalm 68:6).
The Greatest "National Treasure" is in Your House
In the story in 2 Kings 4, Elisha visits a widow with two sons, and she happens to have just a little oil left. Her sons were about to be taken as slaves because of the debt she owed. The government could not help her. So, she comes to Elisha for help. Elisha asked her, "What do you have in your house?" She had looked everywhere for her answer except in her own house. In other words, Elisha was saying to her, "You don't know the awesome miracle power that is in your own house!" I believe today many are looking to see what is in the White House that will save our nation. But God is asking His people this hour, "What is in your house? Do you realize the greatest 'national treasure' is in your own house?" I believe that great "national treasure" lies within our family members. Many times, diamonds in the rough are hard to see. The troubles that have come into your family are about to bless you!
"I'm Equipping Families to Take Their Nations!"
Joshua 24:15 ...As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!
I believe as Joshua was declaring to the nation of Israel to choose life or death, he was proclaiming the importance of not only his personal choice, but also his heart for his family. I sensed Joshua's heart for every father and mother was for them to decree that their families would serve the Lord, also. Was he sensing the power that families hold in influencing the whole nation from being destroyed? I sense he believed that if God could save him, God could save his family. And I further sense that he was believing if God could save his family, He could also save the whole nation! He believed that the "national treasure" was in his house!
Acts 16:31 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.I sense that we need to decree now more than ever that our whole household shall be saved, and begin to decree over America: "One Nation, Our Nation, Under God!" Our Father still has this dream in His heart that not only your family, but a whole nation can be saved in a day!
Isaiah 66:8 Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.Could it be, ever since the garden of Eden, that the enemy well knows that families hold the hidden power to destroy his kingdom and deliver whole nations? Is it any wonder why he unleashes Hell upon families?Joel 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.I believe this great outpouring was intended for our families first, and then God knew nothing else could stop it from going upon all flesh! I even sense that each family member has certain keys for the family's health and deliverance that could ultimately result in the deliverance for our nation. Look again. I believe the answer for our nation is right inside of our own house!"
O America, May I Blow My Breath into Your Households?"
"O America, may I blow My breath into your households? I want to blow My breath into the nostrils of every family member. Great-grandparents down to the babies in the womb. I am about to make personal house calls in this nation. I am coming 3-D Technicolor straight to where you live. There are angels standing at attention with your personal addresses written on them that will be released to set up camp round about your dwelling place, to deliver family members far and near. Houses will be turned into homes." May I blow My breath into your households? Prodigals will phone home. Missing children unable to be found for many years will be rescued by the breath of My Spirit! I have been patient in the past with your family members who have resisted Me. I have gently knocked on the door of their house and hearts. But now I will huff and puff and blow the front door down! I'm coming in!"The Miracle for Our Nation is in Our House! I believe God's own shofar is beginning to blow into our households right now, releasing the sounds of salvation, healing, deliverance and the equipping of whole families to take their nations! Receive it now!Prayer: "Lord, we receive Your breath of life into our families' nostrils to live again. We call each family member a royal priesthood, a chosen generation. We call those things that are not as though they already are. We call them saved, healed and delivered. We call them our 'National Treasures'! We are going to accept our family members right where they are and love them unconditionally. We are going to treat them as though they are already saved. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministries
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