Monday, September 11, 2017



This is a story about an ordinary woman in often extraordinary circumstances. This is a story about the birth and rebirth of--me, Genna Sapia-Ruffin.

Born in Baltimore as Genevieve into a broken family in the '40's, I learned early to "roll with the punches". Abusive alcoholic mother, absent father, sexual molestation from siblings—now I find that maybe some things are not that extraordinary, sadly.

To me, love became equal to pain. So when in June of 1964 I finally met David Ruffin--"the love of my life"--I didn't recognize the early signs that should have warned me that he was an abuser too. At first it was "just" verbal, emotional and psychological. But by the time our our ten-year-long relationship was coming to an unavoidable end, the abuse had escalated to include extreme violence toward both me and our son. It had reached a point of life or death. Of course, David had also added smoking crack cocaine to his earlier habits of just smoking pot and drinking. It was a typical pattern. But I was too naive to know.

I wasn't taken to church as a child. My mother's religion was alcoholism. I was taught nothing about The Father, The Son or the Holy Spirit. I never saw a Bible in my family home nor in my home with David. I didn't know that was unusual. In fact, it never crossed my mind at all.

David mentioned nothing about any of this to me either. Coming from a gospel-singing family with a so-called preacher for a father, he knew. He knew, but he was content with (and protective of) his backslidden lifestyle, I've concluded. Of course, his father used to beat him and his siblings with an eight foot leather whip, so he was understandably confused—and probably scared. Our relationship taught me, among other things, that two wounded people do not equal one healthy one! Only God can heal! Amen!

Time passes. Some people live, some people die. Some people are born, some people are born-again. David died in 1991 of a crack overdose. I continued to breath hour after hour, day after day, month after month, year after year. Then in 2003, I began to be pulled out of the cult I'd been in for over thirty-three years and began to be pulled to the lap of My Father God and the feet of Jesus Christ! In 2004, I was re-born. I dumped that mess of the thing they called my life at the foot of Jesus' cross. I hadn't done such a great job with it, anyway! Now I know joy. In fact, God says I AM Joy!

Now I know that the life of abuse I led was meant to be my platform—my toolkit, so to speak. My experiences will be used by God to give some words of encouragement to others with similar circumstances. So now, I'm working to advance the Kingdom of God, thrilled and honored and humbled to be doing so.

So, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!